Panel participants

Jen Boyle (panel chair) is an associate professor of English and New Media at Coastal Carolina University (Ph.D., University of California, Irvine). Her scholarship and teaching explore “new” media objects and the virtual and material flows of objects and information through networks. A recipient of grants and fellowships from Brown University, the Folger Institute and the Dibner Library for History of Science and Technology, Boyle is a member of the editorial board of postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies, and Punctum Books. Her first book, Anamorphosis in Early Modern Literature: Mediation and Affect (Ashgate, 2010) explores technologies and media of perspective in the early modern period  She is also a collaborator-author of new media installations including “The Hollins Community Project.” With Martin Foys, she co-edited a special journal issue of postmedieval (“Becoming Media”). Her current project is an interactive multi-graph that explores mediated nets and the mesh of sovereignty between the early modern and the present.

Whitney Trettien is a Ph.D. candidate in English at Duke University, where her research focuses on book history, digital humanities and early modern women’s writing. Her dissertation project situates the Little Gidding Harmonies, a unique set of cut-and-paste Bibles (ca. 1630s-1640s), within the ever-growing canon of early modern women’s media production, both text and textile. Trettien has a master’s degree in Comparative Media Studies from MIT, where she worked for the HyperStudio Lab for the Digital Humanities. She currently co-directs Soundbox, a Franklin Humanities Institute-funded project that aims to sonify humanities scholarship through innovative digital methods. Her essays, both print and digital, have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, postmedieval, Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, and the book Textual Cultures: Cultural Texts (in a chapter co-authored with Martin Foys). She has also written reviews for Shakespeare Quarterly and Shakespearean International Yearbook, and maintains an active practice as a creative writer and musician.

Scott A. Trudell (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Maryland, College Park, where his research and teaching focus on early modern literature, media theory and music. He is currently writing a book which traces the development of verse with a musical dimension in the poetic and theatrical cultures of early modern England, beginning with the renewed interest in musical humanism among Sidney and his peers, and continuing through Milton’s fascination with musical language and experience. A participant in digital humanities initiatives at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities and the Folger Shakespeare Library, Trudell is in the planning stage of new media projects including an interactive repository of early modern songs. He has published articles in journals including Shakespeare Quarterly and Studies in Philology, and he has an essay forthcoming in Early Modern Theatricality in the Twenty-First Century (Oxford University Press, 2013-14).

Adam G. Hooks (Ph.D., Columbia University) is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Iowa and an associate with the UI Center for the Book, where his teaching and research focus on early modern literature and culture, the history of the book and the history of reading. His current book project, “Vendible Shakespeare,” shows how Shakespeare was first made into a best-selling author, tracing his shifting reputation within the institutional and textual networks of the early modern book trade. His published work has appeared in Shakespeare Survey, the Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare, and the collection Shakespeare’s Stationers. He maintains a book history blog (Anchora: focused on making rare books and their readers more accessible in digital and pedagogical environments.